Tuesday 2 July 2013

Small & Simple Things

In this fast pace world where everyone seems to be rushing to be somewhere or to do something we tend to miss those tender moments happening around us. While sitting in the passengers seat of the car I noticed some things passing by. The green trees of the countryside of England were very still but the pavement below them were filled with busy people. I saw a little boy racing down the hill with his helmet on and his bag on his back, leaning towards the handlebars as if he were a professional. I also saw a mother, who I realized I see every school day, walking back home carrying two scooters. I then picture her walking earlier that morning with her two children as they ride their scooters to school. The busy street that is filled with cars has come to a stop. The people waiting to cross the street finally have their chance. We live in a world where small and simple moments can be easily looked over with distractions. Take a step back today and recognize those moments, whether they be good or bad. Either will help you to learn and grow. When I arrived at my destination I thought about the blessings that I have in my life that is filled with many personal yet simple moments.

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