Wednesday 26 June 2013

Oh The Places We'll Go

It's amazing how much our lives can change based on different paths that we choose to take. Sometimes we choose the right path and sometimes we don't but all of those paths that we choose have a consequence no matter what. When we choose the not so good path our Savior is there with open arms to welcome us back. Choosing to serve the Lord on a mission was one of the best decisions of my life. I'm not going to say that serving a mission is easy because I'd be lying but it has blessed my life in so many ways. Serving in the England London South Mission, the best mission, is one path that I chose to take that has the most beneficial consequences imaginable. With the help of our loving Heavenly Father and the Holy Ghost we can choose that right path to take, on a mission or not. Life in general has some big paths, small paths and some with more 'right' paths but it's up to us to decide. So which path will you take?

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